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  • Writer's pictureGod's Daughter

Song In Your Head (Part 2)

-We do not commit outward sin unless we committed it on the inside

-The Holy Spirit works within us first and it shows on the outside

-Thought filter: It's not everything we need to let into our mind and let it interrupt my peace. This does not mean we cannot think about our issues

-It is not enough to stop thinking about the bad, we need to replace it with Good thoughts

- verse 7

-Questions to ask yourself about your thoughts:

1. True : It the thought true? True as in the fact. Battle the lies with the truth. Find a verse that opposes the truth.

2. Honorable: Is your thought honorable? Think about better things

3. Right: I can choosse to look to something that will drag me down or life me up.

4. Pure: Is your thought pure? Pure as in Holy and morally clean. Ephesians 5:3. Allowing the Spirit and discipline my thought life

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